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Friends Ross Get Rachel Pregnant


Rachel surprises Ross by telling him shes pregnant with his child. With help from Joey Phoebe finds Cliffs room but wants him to pose as Dr Drake Ramoray to ask Cliff personal. Green Confronts Ross About Rachel Getting Pregnant Friends Friends 318K subscribers Subscribe..

Katie is a saleswoman in a babyshop She starts hitting on Ross when he comes by with Rachel to buy things. Ross and Rachel go shopping for the baby and while there Ross meets a beautiful girl who he is impressed to find out. With help from Joey Phoebe finds Cliffs room but wants him to pose as Dr Drake Ramoray to ask Cliff personal..

712021 837 PM I just watched an episode of Friends where Ross and Rachel are brainstorming. Followers of Ross Gellers Friends timeline know that Ross got a second chance at parenting when he. Rachel and Ross have a debacle over her name Rachel hates Rosss choices of Isabella and Delilah. The One Where Rachel Has a Baby Part Two is the season finale of the eighth season of Friends..

Rachel Tells Ross Shes Pregnant Clip Friends TBS Rachel surprises Ross by telling him shes. Ross and Rachel go to the hospital to have their baby but its a long labor They get stuck in a semi-private. Ross and Rachel frantically arrive at the hospital where they are greeted by Chandler Monica Phoebe and Joey. Ross and Susan argue Rachel flirts with Carols doctor and Joey assists a pregnant single..

